
Student Combines Motherhood with Prize-Winning
09 May 2011

EIGHTEEN-year-old Emma Rogers, who is mum to four-month-old Charlie-James, won the Intermediate Beauty Therapy UK Skills competition at Edinburgh in her first ever competition.
The Weston College apprentice had already shown her talent in being picked for the rigorous competition and then beat 15 other regional high-flyers to jet up to Edinburgh on April 17th.

Emma, who lives in Cheddar, said:”I spent five hours giving a range of beauty treatments and although I’d put a lot of work in and wanted to win, I was amazed to be chosen.
“Now I aim to go in for national competitions and one day to run my own business.

“I was profoundly dyslexic at school but looking back wish I’d buckled down. I didn’t expect to be a mum so young but having him has inspired me to get on and make the most of my life. Charlie’s dad and my family are very supportive.”
Emma is an apprentice at Redcliffe Court Beauty in Cheddar and owner Johanna Selway said: “Emma is a breath of fresh air and the best apprentice I’ve ever had.”

Weston College Co-ordinator Tanita Veal, said: “This is fantastic news for Emma. It was a tough competition and Emma was up against some really good competitors.

“Emma has worked extraordinarily hard and shown real commitment and she thoroughly deserves this amazing achievement.”

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